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BAU vs Projects

Project Management Blog BAU vs. Projects


Two terms are frequently used in project management: Projects and Business as Usual (BAU). Despite their resemblance, there are significant differences between them. Understanding these differentiations is fundamental for compelling venture arranging and the executives. We will discuss the significance of the differences between BAU and Projects in this blog post.

What is BAU or Business as Usual?

The ongoing operations and activities that keep a business running smoothly are called "Business as Usual," or BAU. It includes the regular responsibilities, routine procedures, and tasks necessary for an organization's survival and sustainability. Customer service, marketing, finance, human resources, and other areas are included in BAU. The Goals of BAU The primary goals of BAU are to keep things the same, achieve shared business objectives, and provide customers with consistent services or products. The exercises related to BAU are dull and frequently keep laid out methods and rules. Efficiency, consistency, and maintaining the business's smooth operation without significant changes or disruptions are all critical to BAU.

How do Projects Work?

Their plainly characterized objectives, explicit expectations, and requirements like time, cash, and assets put them aside. Project sizes, complexity, and scope can vary greatly, from small individual projects to large-scale initiatives involving multiple organizations or even nations. The successful completion of a project is dependent on efficient project management.This process includes project planning, goal and objective definition, resource allocation, timelines, risk management, progress tracking, and ensuring that the project is completed within the specified constraints.

In contrast, projects are short-term endeavors with a specific objective, scope, and timetable. Compared to BAU, projects are one-of-a-kind, one-time initiatives to achieve a particular purpose within certain constraints, such as resources, time, and budget. Cross-functional teams are typically involved in projects, and successful completion necessitates planning, execution, monitoring, and control. The Purpose of Projects has a predetermined beginning and ending date, and their primary objective is to produce a particular outcome or results. They are frequently started to carry out changes, present new items or administrations, further develop cycles, or address exact business needs. The fact that projects are only temporary is one-of-a-kind, and various stakeholders need to work together to make them unique.

Differences between the Duration of Projects and BAU

i. While projects have a specific beginning and end date, BAU is ongoing and indefinite.

ii. Purpose: While projects are initiated to accomplish specific goals or address specific business requirements, BAU's primary focus is on upholding the operations that are already in place and providing customer service.

iii. Scope: BAU exercises have a wide degree and cover regular business tasks, while projects have a minor extension, tending to explicit objectives inside characterized limits.

iv. Resources: Projects, however, require specialized resources that may vary depending on the project's size and complexity. BAU relies on resources that are stable and allocated.

v. Change: BAU adheres to laid-out cycles and rules, stressing consistency, while projects frequently include change, advancement, and acquainting a novel, new thing with the association.


Understanding the contrast between the same old thing (BAU) and Undertakings is critical for executives' mighty task. Projects are short-term endeavours to achieve specific objectives or address business requirements, whereas BAU focuses on ongoing operations, consistency, and maintaining the status quo. Project managers can effectively plan, allocate resources, and manage projects when they understand these distinctions. Organizations can drive growth, innovation, and adaptability while simultaneously meeting their everyday business needs by balancing BAU and project work.


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